Not everyone’s set up to work from home, or learn from home. So woodworkers all over the country have been making desks, and giving them to kids who need them. A seven-year-old kid in Pennsylvania was bored at home, so his neighbors gave him a pogo stick. And he just CRUSHED a world record for most jumps in a row. The previous record for kids his age was 376. He did 2,309 in a row. And finally………….in Fort Worth, TX, a young man named Aiden, who is 14, was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to visitation restrictions, only one parent or caregiver is allowed into the medical center per patient. Every Tuesday while Aiden’s mom joins him in the clinic for cancer treatment, his dad, Chuck, stands outside and dances to lift Aiden’s spirits.