It’s agonizing and remarkable of the scope of people that experience PTSD not just in Eastern North Carolina, but amongst all walks of life. Michael Gier, veteran and director of the new documentary ‘Wounded Heroes’, decided to not just explore the plight of those that suffer, but what resources (or lack thereof) they have at their disposal to cope, manage, and hopefully in some way, recouperate from the damage of PTSD. He found the reaction to his project was not only met with enthusiasm from those that were willing to speak with him, but that they were encouraged by there being an alternative to being put on a slew of medications
The documentary also opened Gier’s eyes to the plight of not just military personnel, but first responders and even dispatchers, who experience great trauma and don’t have resources immediately at their disposal
One of the therapies that has been found to be successfull is for PTSD sufferers to work with rescue horses, which Gier not only addressed in his film but witnessed first hand
Gier’s film not only served as an avenue to raise awareness of wide reach PTSD has, but also became a theraputic tool for those he interviewed in its own right
‘Wounded Heroes’ is available on all streaming platforms and DVD, including Amazon, iTunes, VUDU, Youtube, Vimeo, and Google Play. The trailer can be viewed below.