Carteret County Department of Social Services reminds Carteret County residents that funds are available through the Crisis Intervention Program for families who need
emergency help to maintain heating or cooling in their homes due to past due or final notices with the electric company or a need for heating lp gas/oil/etc.
The federally funded program helps households with low incomes who have a life-threatening or health-related emergency due to a lack of heating or cooling. Each household is individually evaluated, and if determined eligible for assistance, payments are made directly to the household’s heating or
cooling vendor. There are three ways to apply:
1) Individuals can come to the Carteret County Department of Social Services to complete an application.
2) Individuals can call Carteret County DSS at 252-728-3181 and make an application over the phone.
3) Individuals can apply by computer at and click Apply for Energy Assistance. Applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted.
Households that meet the following criteria may be eligible:
• Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria
• Meet the income test (last 4 weeks of all household members income)
• Have an energy related crisis
• Have a utility statement that shows how much is owed to alleviate the crisis or information about heating fuel i.e. type, amount available, vendor.
For more information on the program and eligibility, visit the website:
Heating/Cooling Assistance Available for Carteret County Families