Rock News Randoms 5-26-21

Rock News Randoms 5-26-21

ALEX VAN HALEN‘s custom Ludwig drum kit that he used during VAN HALEN‘s 1980 “Invasion” tour, is going to be sold at auction.

IRON MAIDEN singer BRUCE DICKINSON got himself a new hip

Most guitarists make faces when they shred . . . but SLASH takes it to another level.  According to sound engineer Micajah Ryan, Slash has a funny habit of drooling while concentrating during solos. Micajah worked with GUNS N’ ROSES on their debut.

NIGHT RANGER‘s 13th album, ATBPO will be released August 6. ATBPO stands for “And the Band Played On”, which is meant as a tribute to making music during the pandemic.

album, “Appetite for Destruction” in 1987. And on a podcast called “Full in Bloom”, he said, quote, “It happened in the studio countless times.  He’s so focused when he plays, he doesn’t realize he’s drooling, or doesn’t care. I never did figure out which one it was.” Micajah also praised Slash for his work ethic. He said Slash doesn’t “play”, he “works”. (You can find the full interview, here.  The part you’ll want is from 17:40 to 19:00.  It’s actually kind of amusing how specifically and VIVIDLY he describes the drool.)

PHIL COLLEN of DEF LEPPARD kills it on a cover of the jazz/rock fusion tune “Quadrant 4”. He’s joined by his DELTA DEEP bandmates Forrest Robinson and Craig Martini. 

THE WHO have their own coins. The British Royal Mint unveiled the collection to honor the band’s long and storied career. 

MEGADETH have parted ways with founding bassist DAVE ELLEFSON

ROBERT PLANT has a TON of recordings in the vault that he’s going to release to the public for free . . . when he’s DEAD. And here’s the first new episode of ROBERT PLANT‘s podcast.
