Today’s Good News 5-6-22

Today’s Good News 5-6-22

Good News

Genetic researchers think they finally found the specific mutation behind lupus, which could lead to better treatments.  And a team at the University of Illinois think that basically doing a “factory reset” of your brain could cure alcoholics and people with anxiety………. It pays to be friendly at work:  A woman in Calgary named Karla Frisko just got a liver transplant from a coworker she barely knew. Late last year, she found out that a best friend who wanted to donate wasn’t a match.  But then an hour later, she was on a work call with a guy named Scott Watson, who was basically a stranger at that point.  And when she mentioned it, HE wanted to help. He got tested, and they were a match.  We haven’t seen an update yet, but the transplant was scheduled for yesterday………..And finally…………. 
