Three more Hurricane Ian rescue stories are in the news: A rescue mission dubbed “Operation Noah’s Ark” evacuated 275 parrots from a bird sanctuary on Pine Island, near Fort Myers . . . a guy helped out a squirrel caught in floodwaters by letting it crawl up his leg . . . and cops rescued an American flag floating in a swollen river near Daytona Beach……… Meg, an emotional support dog that works at a middle school in Ohio just got her own yearbook photo again for the second year in a row. (Here’s the photo.) Students schedule one-on-one appointments and class visits with Meg through a QR code that’s posted in every hallway…………….And finally………….
A 107-year-old veteran in Colorado just got a Silver Star, one of the highest honors for valor. Sgt. 1st Class Harold Nelson was drafted into the United States Army on July 14, 1941. He was shot three times during World War Two . . . got hit in the chest with shrapnel at one point . . . and even went back to keep fighting after he had his appendix removed.