Today’s Good News 5-8-23

Today’s Good News 5-8-23

A Holocaust survivor named Helen Kahan celebrated her 100th birthday on Friday by throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game.  (Here’s the video.)……………….. Remember the guy in California who snagged a baby stroller before it rolled into traffic last week?  He used to be homeless, and happened to be in the parking lot because he was interviewing for a job at Applebee’s. Here’s an update.  He was talking to a reporter about it when he got a phone call from Applebee’s letting him know . . . he got the job.  (It happens at 2:50.)……………..And finally……….

A 92-year-old UK woman named Betty Richardson’s bucket list included seeing a strip show.  So her retirement home made it happen – they sent her and her friends to a male review.  The place they went to said they gave her the, quote, “full VIP experience.” Ms Richardson was also treated to a meet and greet with the performers and was given a behind-the-scenes tour of the theatre. (Here’s a photo.) 
