White rhinos are finally returning to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 16 southern white rhinos have been reintroduced to the area . . . 17 years after the last white rhino in the area was poached in 2006…………….. The city of Atlanta is dumping eight retired subway cars into the ocean, but they’re not littering. The rail cars will be dismantled and cleaned, and the hope is that they will provide a new habitat for sea creatures by producing more coral life in a stable growing area…….And finally…………..
42-year-old retired Marine James Culp recently took a second job at a grocery store . . . to spend more time with, and help out, his 19-year-old daughter who works there. You’ll find him at Food Lion in Newport, when he’s not working his main job as director of a child development center at Cherry Point. His daughter had been telling her dad about the recent struggles at work like people not showing up, which then made it difficult for the rest of the team. Her dad thought he could ease some stress by putting on the apron and working alongside her.