Back in 2010, a construction worker in England got to retire at 47 after hitting the lottery for almost $3 million. So what’s he been up to? The first thing he bought was a pool table. Now 13 years later, he’s about to represent Team England in the European Pool Championships……………… A VA doctor recently saw 67-year-old patient Robin Sipe, who’d been dealing with depression – so he prescribed her a cat. Her 15-year-old cat passed away recently, and he thought it was time for her to get another one. He literally wrote down, “Get a cat.” On the way home from her appointment, Robin stopped to buy corn at a roadside stand, and they happened to have five kittens they were trying to adopt out. One was missing a paw, and that’s the one she chose. The doctor’s name is Earl King, so she named it “Earlene.” She says the prescription worked, and she’s doing much better now………………And finally……….. A woman in Massachusetts named Debbie Virgilio passed away last year at 85. Her local fire department’s EMTs helped her out multiple times in the last years of her life, so she repaid the favor by leaving the department $525,000 in her will to buy a new ambulance. They just had a big party in her honor.
Today’s Good News 10-30-23