Casey McIntyre, a NY woman, tragically passed away recently at 38. She’d been battling ovarian cancer since 2019, and before she died, she told her husband Andrew she wanted to announce it herself on social media, and use the post to raise money for a good cause, erasing other people’s medical debt. Andrew posted it for her with the original goal of $20,000. According to the site RIP Medical Debt, that’s enough to buy up around $2 MILLION of unpaid bills. But it blew way past Casey’s goal. Last we checked, people had donated over $700,000 . . . enough to buy up more than $70 MILLION of other people’s debt. If you want to donate, just go to, and search for “Casey” on their campaigns page………..Could a pill made from coffee grounds prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases? A study says that coffee grounds treated in a certain way may be capable of protecting brain cells from damage……………….And finally……………
A SC man’s TikTok proposal is going viral because of how he incorporated his girlfriend’s four kids into it. Josh Renaud gave each child a t-shirt, so when they lined up it read, “Can We Call Josh DAD?” They’d apparently been asking their mom when he’d be their dad, so it was kind of an inside joke. She walked in, started crying, and said YES. He also bought each kid their own ring to wear, and got down on his knee for them too. (Part 1 is the setup, and Part 2 is the proposal.)