A dad in New Hampshire accidentally threw out his daughter’s favorite stuffed animal. But officials sifted through a ton of garbage at the dump and got it back to her. It went through a trash compactor, but survived……………..A bunch of neighbors in Pennsylvania banded together to save a deer with a plastic jug stuck on its head. It would have starved, but a couple named Matt and Lisa Mertz managed to catch it. Matt held it down, and Lisa got the jug off……..And finally…………….
A local news station in Salem, Oregon profiled a World War Two vet who’s 98 and still volunteers for Meals on Wheels. The man, who only wants to be known as “Ralph”, was drafted into the Army during his senior year in high school, and earned a Purple Heart in the Battle of the Bulge. These days he hops behind the wheel once a week and delivers up to 18 meals around his county. Someone told him he’s a “hero” for doing it. His response was, “If that’s what it takes to be a hero, we need more.”