A 100-year-old World War Two vet named Herold Terens just married his 96-year-old fiancée near Normandy, France. Their wedding was on Saturday, two days after the 80th anniversary of D-Day. He didn’t storm the beaches, but repaired planes so they could rejoin the battle. He went to France 12 days later to bring rescued POWs back to England…………. Time for a “Lassie” remake? A guy in Oregon lost control of his truck last weekend, went over an embankment, and ended up in a stream. But he’s alive after his dog ran four miles back to his family’s campsite to get help…….And finally………………
A high school graduation in Lakeville, MA is in the news because of the speech the class president gave. He ended by telling everyone to check under their seat, because he’d written personalized notes for all 181 classmates, thanking them for being part of what they’ll eventually call “the good old days.” He told his local radio station it took him 10 hours to write them all, and he showed up an hour early to tape them to the bottom of each chair.