A Utah grandmother named Kathryn Cole just graduated high school at age 97. She was supposed to graduate in the 1940s, but her grandfather died and the funeral was the same day as her final exam. She ended up staying home to help her family and never got her diploma, something she says she’s regretted her entire life. But she’s been volunteering at her local school for years and helping kids learn to read, so they decided all that work satisfied the one English credit she needed to graduate……….. A 95-year-old farmer in England just got his Rolex back 50 years after it was eaten by a cow. A guy with a metal detector found it in the field where the cow used to graze…………..And finally……….
Patrice Sanders, a nurse in Fresno, CA, passed away this month after working 36 years at a children’s hospital. And hospital workers honored her by lining the hallway as she was wheeled into surgery to donate her organs. Her sister says Patrice always had deep respect for people who donated, and wanted to make sure she did the same. Quote, “She loved well, was well loved, and is continuing to love others that she doesn’t even know.”