A woman in Germany joked online after her daughter asked if she had any regrets. She said she regretted not buying a sweater she saw in Iceland three years ago that had puffins on it, and she posted a photo. But now she can say she’s got NO regrets, because a random guy in New York saw the post . . . told her his biggest regret is BUYING that sweater for his wife, because she’s never worn it . . . and he mailed it to her…………. Animal control officers in Florida recently saved eight ducklings stuck in a storm drain. They used a long-handled net to fish them out, and reunited them with their mother who was waiting nearby…………And finally…………..
Could A.I. be used to prevent collisions between vehicles and deer? Two seniors at a high school in Virginia have been hard at work on a device that could steer deer away from cars. And they’ve received a $15,000 grant to develop it. The system would recognize vehicles and deer through computer vision . . . and then “send out pulses and bio-sound” to turn the deer away.