Today’s Good News 2-13-25

Today’s Good News 2-13-25

Good News

The Czech Republic spent seven years planning to build a dam, but then a family of beavers showed up and built them one in two days, so now they don’t need to.  They say it saved them around $1.2 million…………… Two kids aged 16 and 12 fell through the ice on a pond in Virginia last month, and couldn’t get out, but luckily, the 12-year-old had an iPhone.  It was in his pocket and got wet but still worked.  It let him call 911 even without cell service.  Firefighters showed up in 10 minutes and pulled them out……………….And finally……………. 

“People” magazine did a big feature on a 26-year-old named Joe DiMeo, who had a full face transplant in 2020.  He was in a horrible wreck at 18 and suffered burns over 80% of his body.  He was the first person to receive a face AND double-hand transplant in a surgery that took 23 hours.  “People”did a follow-up story on him, because he just went through another life-changing event.  He flew to Hawaii in December to get married.  His wife is 34-year-old Jessica Perez.  She’s a nurse but was never HIS nurse.  They met through social media and started dating in 2021.  He’s currently working on a book, with plans to start touring as a motivational speaker. 
