70-year-old FL man Daniel Vallaire just got to meet up with the nurses and first responders who saved his life, but he also has Siri to thank. He had a stroke and spent 48 hours on his bathroom floor. He finally managed to crawl close enough to his phone to ask Siri to call his daughter, who then called 911………….A woman in England celebrated her 105th birthday by going to a rave. Her name is Hilda Jackson. Her retirement home threw her one on Tuesday after her 81-year-old nephew heard she wanted a rave. Hilda told a reporter she’s not sure she actually asked for that, but she “enjoyed every minute of it.” She loves to dance, especially ballroom dancing…………….And finally…………
Cops in Saratoga Springs, NY saved Sly, a 22-year-old horse, on Monday after he fell through the ice on a pond. They had to pull him out with a rope, and it wasn’t easy. There’s chest-cam footage of the whole thing. You can hear how desperate they were to save him . . . and they DID. They eventually got him on solid ground, and he popped right up. He was tired and cold, and he’s been at the vet all week recovering, but he’ll be okay.