Keep dreaming! A guy near Charlotte had a dream last week that he’d win $110,000 in the lottery. Then he woke up the next day and won exactly that amount, $110,000…………… A guy in Australia set a new record by surviving 100 days with an artificial heart made of titanium. He was the first person to ever leave the hospital with one. It kept him going until a real heart became available earlier this month……………And finally………….
Here’s a good one for Pi Day: A Bradenton, FL cop saved a pizza delivery driver from potentially being attacked by an eight-foot ALLIGATOR on Sunday. She showed up to deliver a lady’s pizza, and didn’t know it was under a car. Luckily, the cop was already there and clued her in. He told her to go around to the back door, but she didn’t even want to do that, so HE delivered the pizza. The chest-cam footage is great, because the customer was an older lady who got a little too close for comfort. He told her there was an alligator . . . said to get back in the house . . . and she responded with, “Where’s my PIZZA!?” She wanted a photo of the gator, so the cop helped out with that too. Animal wranglers eventually showed up and took it away. (Here’s the video.)