Today’s Good News 3-20-25

Today’s Good News 3-20-25

48 year old ME man Justin Dudley, decided to lose some weight to look good in his son’s graduation photos last year.  He was 343 pounds and got down to around 300 in two months, but it didn’t end there.  It inspired him to keep going, and since the graduation last June, he’s lost another 140 pounds. He credits intermittent fasting, and says it’s saved him a ton of money on groceries…………. A 61 year old Peruvian fisherman was rescued last week after he survived 95 days lost at sea.  Maximo Napa got pretty emotional when he got back to dry land. He said thinking about his mom and two-month-old granddaughter kept him going.  He survived on rainwater, and by eating birds, turtles, and cockroaches.  He hadn’t eaten anything in 15 days before a patrol boat out of Ecuador found him – he’d been gone since December 7th and was 680 miles from shore……………….And finally……………  

Officials in the Netherlands brought back their popular “fish doorbell” again.  It’s something they’ve been doing since 2021 to help fish migrate up a river.  There’s a gate they can’t get past unless someone opens it for them, so they set up a livestream to let people all over the world monitor the gate.  If you see fish, you click a button to let someone know.  (When I was watching earlier, there were 1715 people watching with me.) 
