Four Paws animal charity is running its own March Madness bracket called March Napness . . . a contest to find the “sleepiest bear.” They’re tracking two dozen of them at different animal sanctuaries to see when they emerge from hibernation. The last bear to wake up wins the title………… A town in Switzerland is letting doctors prescribe trips to art museums to help with stress. You get in for free with a doctor’s note. If it’s successful, they plan to try it with other things, like theater tickets……………………And finally…………
Each semester, PA English teacher Kristina Ulmer gives her students $20 with a request: use it to do something kind. The “$20 Challenge” began in 2018, when Kristina lost her sister, Katie, in a car accident, and she found that her sister’s purse had over $100 in it. Kristina knew the money had to be used for good, so she gave each of her students $20 (adding her own funds) and asked them to perform a random act of kindness in Katie’s honor. Students helped the homeless, supported animal shelters, and surprised vets with gifts. With community donations, the tradition continued, and as of this past fall, her students have completed over 350 acts of kindness in her sister’s memory.