WSFL Visits the Vietnam and Iraqi Freedom War Memorial, Greenville

WSFL Visits the Vietnam and Iraqi Freedom War Memorial, Greenville

The memorial to Vietnam and Iraqi Freedom war dead is a large slab of granite roughly three feet wide and eight feet long with beveled edges lying flat on the ground. An incised American Flag is the only decoration aside from the list of names. The memorial was first placed in honor of 26 Vietnam War dead.

The memorial is located on the Town Commons at 105 E. 1st Street in Greenville, NC, as part of and next to the Veterans Memorial complex. The memorial was originally placed on the Pitt County Courthouse grounds to the left side (when facing) of the Confederate Memorial, with the World War One, World War Two and Korean memorial being directly in front of the Confederate Memorial. It was most likely moved in 1989 when the Veterans Memorial was dedicated on the Town Commons.” – UNC’s Documenting the American South
