Today’s Good News 8-10-22

Today’s Good News 8-10-22

Four women on an all-female rowing team recently broke a world record last week by rowing 2,400 miles from California to Hawaii in 34 days, 14 hours, and 11 minutes. They broke the previous record by a day-and-a-half………………… And in case you missed this story in the news:  At least four people have now been cured of HIV using bone marrow transplants . . . and the most recent one happened by chance. A 66-year-old guy who’d been living with HIV since the ’80s was being treated for leukemia.  And the marrow came from a donor who happened to have a mutation that makes them naturally resistant to HIV. So he was cured accidentally……And finally…………….. 

A video has gone viral of an Oklahoma/Texas little league game. In the first inning with Tulsa’s Isaiah Jarvis at the plate, a pitch from Kaiden Shelton struck Jarvis on the side of the head and he fell to the ground. His helmet protected him, but the real story is about what happened next.  He notices that the pitcher who hit him is shaken up, so he goes to the mound to hug it out and give him words of encouragement. 
