Today’s Good News 10-4-22

Today’s Good News 10-4-22

A World War Two vet in Texas asked for 100 birthday cards for his 100th birthday, and it sounds like the internet delivered.  His nursing home threw him a big party, and there was a huge stack of cards for him………….. A new ALS drug that was partially funded by the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 just got approved by the FDA. The oral medication works as a standalone therapy or when added to other treatments, according to the company, and it has been shown to slow disease progression……And finally…………… 

A 10-year-old girl from Ukraine named Agnessa left with her family when Russia invaded, and had to leave her cat behind.  But after a VERY big effort from lots of people, she just got him back. They were in Romania before relocating to northern California, and on their flight over, they made friends with a flight attendant named Dee Harnish.  She stayed in touch and heard about the cat, who’d been with Agnessa’s uncle, so she made some calls and got a charity involved.  Then the uncle took the cat to Moldova on his motorcycle, where someone else took it to Romania.  A woman vacationing in Greece cut her trip short to go get him.  And 7,000 miles later, Agnessa got her cat back. 
