Eight skydivers in Florida broke a world record by doing a synchronized jump where they all held hands in a circle. Eight wouldn’t normally be a lot, but all of them are over the age of 80. The previous record for their age group was six…………….. A woman in Fort Myers lost her engagement ring outside her house and spent two days looking for it. Then Hurricane Ian hit, so she gave up hope. But her husband was cleaning up after the storm last week, and found it in a pile of sticks……And finally…………..
Here’s how you win your next reelection: A small-town mayor in Georgia named Eddie Daniels saw an SUV stalled on a set of train tracks on Saturday, and ended up saving the driver and all three of her kids. He got the mom out, and then saw three kids in the back seat . . . aged one, three, and six. He got the last kid out just as a train hit. Eddie ended up with a broken ankle and eight stitches in his head, but everyone else is okay.