A man in Phoenix named Mark Woolston has been delivering packages for UPS for 50 years, dating back to June of 1973. He’s driven more than 1 million miles, and hasn’t had any accidents. He’s been a UPS driver longer than anyone in Arizona, but now, he’s retiring . . . to spend time with family, and “play some golf and pickleball.”…………………. An artist in the U.K. named Tash Frootko has been going up and down city streets, offering to paint houses for FREE. She uses a different bright color for every house, which makes the streets look like rainbows. But it’s also increasing the home values . . . by around 30%. She started doing this five years ago, and has done over 130 houses so far. (Here’s a video.)……………..And finally………….
A firefighter in Florida just adopted a baby that was left outside his station back in January. Someone left her in a “Safe Haven” baby box, which a lot of fire departments have now. He’s the one who found her. Her name is Zoey, and she’s five months old now. He and his wife had been trying to have kids for over a decade, so they’re thrilled. He says he locked eyes with Zoey and “that was it.” He loved her immediately.