A pet tortoise that went missing in England two years ago was recently found. Her name is Jemima. She’s around 50 years old, and managed to make it a whole FIVE MILES in those two years. She originally belonged to the owner’s dad, who took her in 25 years ago. His son inherited her when the dad passed away in 2016. She’s back home now after someone spotted her and posted a photo on Facebook……. In other pet news: A cat in the U.K. named Zebby just won a contest for Cat of the Year. His owner is deaf, so he helps her out. Like if someone’s knocking at the door, he’ll pace around or come up and tap her……..And finally……………
A 15-year-old OH kid named Roman McCormick has a rare genetic condition that’s already burned out his kidneys, so his parents had been scrambling to find a donor until they recently got a call from one of his teachers. It turned out Roman’s math teacher . . . Eddie McCarthy . . . secretly went and got tested, and spent five months jumping through all the hoops to donate. He planned to remain anonymous, but figured Roman’s parents might want to know who the donor was. They were obviously ecstatic.