A woman on Staten Island accidentally threw out her wallet. But sanitation workers sifted through a mountain of garbage and got it back to her. She realized it was gone before the truck emptied its load. Otherwise, it would have been a lot harder to find. (Here’s a photo.)…………… Baseball season is underway, and a pitcher who’s not even on a Major League roster yet has made headlines . . . Pirates prospect Paul Skenes. He announced he’s donating $100 to the Gary Sinise Foundation for every strikeout he records this season. He had 209 at Louisiana State last year. If he hits that mark again, it would be around $20,000…..And finally……….
Remember this lady from last year? Joy Ryan is 94. Last year, she set a world record after her grandson Brad helped her visit all 63 National Parks. She’s the oldest person to ever do it. And now she’s back in the news, because their new goal is to visit all seven continents. They’ve already got North America checked off the list. They’ve also done Africa, and just got back from South America, including a trip to the Galapagos Islands. So they’ve got Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica left to go.