Today’s Good News 7-26-24

Today’s Good News 7-26-24

Two years ago, a British woman named Sarah de Lagarde lost an arm and a leg in a terrible subway accident.  She got run over by TWO trains, but she’s not letting it hold her back.  Next month, she’s heading to Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  She’d be the first female double prosthetic amputee to do it……….. Firefighters rescued a cat and dog from a recent house fire in Georgetown, Texas, and it was all caught on camera. The homeowner had notified the crew of the pets inside.  They heard the cat meowing, and were able to bring it out to safety . . . and then they found the dog, which had been hiding.  Both of them are okay.  The fire chief said “I’ve a big space in my heart for dogs.  I’ve got three of them of my own, so being able to get them out and taking care of them is a big deal for us, too.”……………..And finally………………… 

Chapo, a Carpathian lynx born at a zoo in Nuremberg, Germany, kept trying to escape, so they decided to just set the cat free.  He was supposed to be part of a breeding program for the species, which was hunted almost to extinction in Germany by the early 1900s. The zookeepers prepped him, so he knows how to hunt and survive in the wild.  He’s got a GPS tracker and seems to be doing fine so far.  They released him two weeks ago. 
