A guy in Maryland was driving last month when someone cut him off in traffic. But no hard feelings, because he remembered their license plate number . . . used the digits on 10 different lottery tickets . . . and they all hit for $50,000. So the jerk who cut him off helped him win half-a-million bucks………………Lots of people dropped spare change in Salvation Army kettles over the holidays. But a few random do-gooders in at least 10 states tossed something much more valuable in . . . gold coins worth thousands of dollars. It happened in Illinois, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oregon…………..And finally………….
In case you missed it: The Hershey Bears hockey team did their annual Teddy Bear Toss on Sunday, and broke their own record again. Fans show up with stuffed animals to toss on the ice after the home team scores its first goal. The total last year was a new high of around 75,000 stuffed animals, but they crushed it on Sunday with a grand total of 102,343. They’ll be donated to over 35 different charities.