Have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery? Don’t ever ignore stuff like that. A woman in Maryland used five numbers she saw in a dream and won $50,000…………… Two formerly long-haired people in the U.K. broke world records while donating their locks to a good cause. 38-year-old Ruth Tripp recently snagged the record for largest single hair donation by a woman, 5 feet 7 inches. And 37-year-old Jack Drever broke the record for men last month, 2 feet 11 inches. Their hair went to a charity called Little Princess Trust that makes wigs for kids going through chemo………And finally………………….
We heard about these two last summer: A five-year-old kid in New York named Ezra needed a liver transplant, and his former preschool teacher showed up at his family’s door last May to let them know she was a match. Her name is Carissa Fisher, and she’s 21. They’re back in the news after the hospital shared a follow-up video. The surgery was a success, and they’re both doing great. Carissa said “the reward of knowing you’ve helped someone in need is incredibly fulfilling.” And she hopes it inspires more people to be organ donors. Quote, “It’s a decision that can truly change lives.”