Not really “good news”, but fun. A video of wild animals seeing their reflection for the first time is trending on TikTok. It’s interesting to see their reactions. Some of them are into it . . . others are very much NOT……………..A 2020 video has gone viral with Valentine’s Day coming up: A Wisconsin woman was doing a date-night challenge with her boyfriend, where they had to buy things they knew the other person would like. For “favorite snack,” he bought her Goldfish, and she bought Doritos, but the video is really about the last thing on the list. For “something to do together,” she pulled out a puzzle and he pulled out a RING. Here’s an update: Yes, they got married . . . and they also have a BABY now. Their daughter Amelia turns two later this year…….And finally……………
A school district in southern Oregon has been dealing with budget issues and staffing shortages, but things are looking up after an anonymous donor pitched in $890,000. Even though they don’t know who the person is, hundreds of students wrote thank-you cards. The superintendent called it incredibly heartwarming. He said kids were “amazed by how generous” the person was. They told him they wanted to “do nice things for other people, just like the donor did.”