Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 10-4-24

Today’s Good News 10-4-24

Augusta National Golf Club  here the Masters is held, is donating a big chunk of money to help with hurricane relief.  They partnered with a charity for a joint $5 million donation to help victims around Augusta, Georgia.  They also made a separate donation to the Red Cross………… A “food pharmacy” for seniors just opened…read more »

Today’s Good News 10-3-24

Today’s Good News 10-3-24

The Nebraska Diaper Bank is in the news after handing out its eight millionth diaper the other day.  They’ve been helping new parents for a decade.  The charity launched in 2014, but they’ve really ramped things up recently.  Most of those eight million diapers have been handed out in the past three years…………. A hospice…read more »

Today’s Good News 10-2-24

Today’s Good News 10-2-24

A video of a candy shop owner in Calgary is making the rounds after a social media do-gooder popped in for a treat.  He wanted to buy something for $4 but claimed he only had $3.50.  She said that was enough, but after he paid, he pulled out his wallet and tried to hand her…read more »

Today’s Good News 10-1-24

Today’s Good News 10-1-24

Sam Perkins’ parents are in their 70s and live just outside of Asheville. After Helene, he hadn’t heard from them for 48 hours, so he filled a backpack with supplies and started the 11 mile, 3.5-hour trek to get to them. He said “I can’t tell you how many landslides and collapsed roads and trees…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-30-24

Today’s Good News 9-30-24

Vets at Virginia Tech saved a three-month-old donkey named Harper that ate a towel. Pieces of it were blocking her digestive tract, but they did emergency surgery, and she’s back home on the farm….. Atrium Health owns a bunch of hospitals in North Carolina and Georgia, and recently announced they’re forgiving more than 11,000 people’s…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-27-24

Today’s Good News 9-27-24

Here’s a social media trend we can get behind:  People are leaving $100 gift cards in boxes of diapers at department stores, just to help out new parents…………. Clowns might seem creepy to some, but a study found they can actually help kids leave the hospital faster.  The term for the kind that visit sick…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-26-24

Today’s Good News 9-26-24

A fifth-grade teacher in Paw Paw, Michigan is in the news after posting a video about why he eats lunch with his students every day.  He thinks connecting with them in a real way is the first step and everything else follows from that……….. A couple from northern California took their cat on a camping trip…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-25-24

Today’s Good News 9-25-24

Rescuers in northern Canada found a six-year-old girl with autism who’d been missing for three days.  There’s a video of her mom overcome with emotion as she carries her out of the woods. A ton of volunteers pitched in to help find her, and you can hear a bunch of them cheering in the background…………… A…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-24-24

Today’s Good News 9-24-24

A cop near Detroit named Nicole Miron stopped an out-of-control truck by climbing in through the window of her patrol car.  It was only going around five miles per hour, so her partner drove alongside it.  It turned out the 63-year-old driver was having some sort of medical episode.  Luckily, no one was hurt…………………. Two…read more »

Today’s Good News 9-23-24

Today’s Good News 9-23-24

Some guy went viral on TikTok after dusting off his old Pokémon card collection and finding out it’s worth at least $5,000 and maybe more. He has his mom to thank for most of them.  She kept buying them for him even as he got older and didn’t care anymore.  She only stopped in 2017……………….…read more »
