Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 8-20-24

Today’s Good News 8-20-24

Donna Osbourne, a 75-year-old PA woman, was supposed to fly to Florida for a vacation, but her flight got delayed multiple times while she was at the airport, so she decided to skip the trip and went home. And it’s a good thing she did, because she ended up buying a lottery ticket and won…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-19-24

Today’s Good News 8-19-24

A father and his young son won an annual treasure hunt in Utah, finding $25,000 hidden under a rock.  It’s been going on since June, and new clues get released each week.  The dad says he’ll use the money for back-to-school shopping, and for his kids’ college fund……….. Multiple cops in Orange County, Florida dove…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-16-24

Today’s Good News 8-16-24

A 19-year-old panda named Ying Ying is a new mom after giving birth to twins at a zoo in Hong Kong yesterday . . . a boy and a girl.  She’s the oldest panda on record to become a first-time mom……………. It’s never too late to make a change:  A woman in England who dropped out…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-15-24

Today’s Good News 8-15-24

An animal rescue place in Tennessee posted photos of a kitten born with four ears.  He’s totally healthy.  He just happens to have two normal ears with another set of smaller ones inside them. They say he’s “simply ear-resistible” and will go up for adoption soon.  They named him “Audio” because he has “built-in surround-sound…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-14-24

Today’s Good News 8-14-24

A woman in the U.K. gave birth in the lobby of a movie theater last Wednesday.  And the theater announced they’re giving the kid free tickets for life.  She had a healthy baby girl and they’re both doing great…………A woman in Florida was helping clean up after Hurricane Debby and found a message in a…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-13-24

Today’s Good News 8-13-24

It’s amazing how things can turn on a dime.  A woman in South Carolina lost her job, then bought a lottery ticket a few days later and won $300,000.  So in the span of a few days, she went from not having a job to shopping for houses………… A guy on TikTok takes photos of…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-12-24

Today’s Good News 8-12-24

Disneyland honored a ticket for free admission that a guy got in 1985 and saved for 39 years.  He recorded his 18-year-old daughter using it to get in.  The guy at the ticket booth had to call his boss over to make sure it was legit. The dad won the free pass while visiting Disneyland…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-9-24

Today’s Good News 8-9-24

Chicago’s annual Ducky Derby fundraiser happened Wednesday.  You pay $10 to sponsor a rubber duck.  Then they drop them all into the Chicago River, and you win money if your duck makes it to shore first. According to their website, over 75,000 ducks were sponsored this year.  They raised around $400,000 for the Special Olympics.  (Here’s…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-8-24

Today’s Good News 8-8-24

First responders in Kansas recently saved a 14-month-old toddler who fell down a pipe.  It was a foot wide and 12 feet deep, but he wasn’t seriously hurt. He wouldn’t grab a rope they tossed down to him.  So they had to use a “catch pole” that’s normally used for catching dogs.  They worked fast…read more »

Today’s Good News 8-7-24

Today’s Good News 8-7-24

A cop in Arizona rescued a baby eagle that landed under his patrol car.  The Arizona Raptor Center has been taking care of it.  They rehabilitate injured birds and release them back into the wild…………….. A 48-year-old guy went hiking in Kentucky last month and never came home.  There was a big search-and-rescue mission, but…read more »
