Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 12-9-24

Today’s Good News 12-9-24

Notre Dame officially reopened this weekend, more than five years after it was ravaged by a terrible fire.  Over 340,000 people from 150 countries donated $891 MILLION to pay for the renovations.  More than 2,500 people gathered for the ceremony on Saturday………… Wisconsin surgeon Dr. T. Clark Gamblin went through chemo and two operations to…read more »

Today’s Good News 12-6-24

Today’s Good News 12-6-24

In candy news:  A study found eating five servings of chocolate a week lowers your risk for type 2 diabetes by 10%.  One catch:  It has to be dark chocolate…………….. A 59-year-old grandmother in Canada broke the women’s world record for most pushups in an hour.  She broke the old record with 17 minutes to…read more »

Today’s Good News 12-5-24

Today’s Good News 12-5-24

Stearns History Museum in Minnesota is teaching kids about architecture in a festive way.  They have them sketch out a blueprint, go through the process of applying for permits, and then build their design out of gingerbread.  Organizers say it’s a fun way to introduce them to the basics of architecture and engineering…………. A 21-year-old guy…read more »

Today’s Good News 12-4-24

Today’s Good News 12-4-24

A 91-year-old Wyoming man with dementia went missing last week, and no one knew where he was for two days . . . until his wife happened to see him in a local news report from a completely different state. KSL in Salt Lake City did a segment on a rescue mission serving free meals…read more »

Today’s Good News 12-3-24

Today’s Good News 12-3-24

A 19-year-old in Vancouver named Sophia Valliant scored tickets to one of Taylor Swift’s shows there next month, and had two extra seats but couldn’t decide who to take, so she raffled them off for charity.  She volunteers at a place called the Lake Trail Community Education Society.  A dad and his 10-year-old daughter won…read more »

Today’s Good News 12-2-24

Today’s Good News 12-2-24

A mom in Florida recently went to a theme park with her six-week-old son, Lincoln.  And a random person’s comment saved his life.  A first responder walked up after noticing the kid’s skin looked yellow and jaundiced. He told her don’t panic, but get him to a doctor, so she did, and it turned out…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-27-24

Today’s Good News 11-27-24

Count your blessings this Thanksgiving:  A Seattle college kid  managed to walk away unscathed after a huge tree fell on his car last week.  He was driving home when it landed on top of his car and crushed it, but there was just enough room, and he wasn’t hurt.  It took 90 minutes for firefighters…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-26-24

Today’s Good News 11-26-24

A bunch of people in New Zealand banded together to save dozens of beached pilot whales on Sunday.  They used sheets to lift them up and get them back in the water.  Four didn’t make it, but more than 30 whales were saved……………. A British couple met while working at a grocery store in 2017,…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-25-24

Today’s Good News 11-25-24

M.I.T. announced that starting next fall, they’re waiving tuition for families that make less than $200,000 a year.  They say that includes around 80% of incoming students.  Normal tuition is around $60,000 a year………….. Iowa-based grocery store chain Hy-Vee announced it’s scaling back and getting rid of their self-checkout machines at a bunch of locations. …read more »

Today’s Good News 11-22-24

Today’s Good News 11-22-24

A 17-year-old in California named Sophia Park just became the youngest person to pass the state’s bar exam.  She got her law degree this year after enrolling in law school at 13.  She also earned some serious bragging rights, because the record used to belong to her brother, Peter, who passed the bar a year…read more »
