Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 5-6-24

Today’s Good News 5-6-24

A firefighter in Buffalo, New York named Anthony Pulvio helped a puppy that got hit by a car last month.  She didn’t have a collar or any I.D., but he got her to a vet and she’ll be okay.  And now she’s also got a forever home because Anthony adopted her……… A new Popeyes location…read more »

Today’s Good News 5-3-24

Today’s Good News 5-3-24

Chipotle is giving out free burritos to 100,000 healthcare workers for National Nurses Week.  Just go to Monday and enter for a chance to win…………………A chiropractor in Oklahoma is in the news because he specializes in working with animals.  He’s done adjustments on everything from dogs to chickens.  Now a video of him manipulating…read more »

Today’s Good News 5-2-24

Today’s Good News 5-2-24

 In April, a school bus driver in Wisconsin had a medical issue and passed out behind the wheel, but an eighth grader named Acie Holland immediately took charge. He got her foot off the gas, pulled the bus over, and called 911.  Everyone’s okay, including the driver.  She was awake by the time help got…read more »

Today’s Good News 5-1-24

Today’s Good News 5-1-24

A cop in Canada decided to anonymously donate a kidney, and it saved a schoolteacher’s life, but she’s not anonymous anymore.  Both women opted to meet after their surgeries, and they’re now good friends. The cop’s name is Annie Devost.  She says she heard a story about an anonymous kidney donor on the radio, and…read more »

Rock News Randoms 5-1-24

Rock News Randoms 5-1-24

Sammy Hagar received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  John Mayer, bassist Michael Anthony, and Guy Fieri were in attendance.  (Full Story)  Nancy Wilson from Heart used to be jealous of Fleetwood Mac back in the day.  (Full Story)   In a new interview, Pearl Jam remembers its mini-feud with Nirvana.  (Full Story)  David…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-30-24

Today’s Good News 4-30-24

Daniel Fairbrother, a 35-year-old guy in England, just proposed to his girlfriend while running the London Marathon with a fridge strapped to his back.  You might remember Dan from when cops stopped him during a training run a few months back, because they thought he was a burglar.  He did the fridge thing to raise…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-29-24

Today’s Good News 4-29-24

Friday was Arbor Day, and a student at Auburn University set a new world record by hugging 1,123 trees in an hour.  He’s currently getting his master’s degree in forestry…………….. A middle school basketball coach in Denver named Gregory McCoy recently finished up a year-long deployment in the military.  And there’s a great video of…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-26-24

Today’s Good News 4-26-24

Wildlife officers in Colorado saved two mountain lion cubs that got trapped in a reservoir’s spillway.  They lowered a rope down, and one of the cubs latched onto it, almost like it knew what needed to happen.  (Here’s the video.)…… Nature can now earn song royalties.  An initiative called Sounds Right got streaming platforms like…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-25-24

Today’s Good News 4-25-24

People on Reddit are praising a teenager who refused to drive his friends somewhere until they all put on their seatbelts.  He posted the story on the subreddit, “Am I the [A-Hole]”.  He asked if he did the right thing and got a resounding YES…………… A couple was digging up a fishing net that was…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-24-24

Today’s Good News 4-24-24

A Girl Scout in Pennsylvania named Chloe Brit organized a prom dress giveaway on Sunday and collected over 150 dresses, plus shoes.  She’s only in fifth grade but decided to do it after she found out a girl she knew couldn’t afford a dress.  A seamstress volunteered and did free alterations…… “Horizontally recycled” diapers are…read more »
