Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 4-17-24

Today’s Good News 4-17-24

A guy in Maryland heard his local 7-Eleven sold two Powerball tickets worth $1 million each, and it turned out they both belonged to him.  He bought two tickets with the same numbers by mistake, and didn’t realize. He called his wife after he scanned the first one, and they both cried.  Then he had…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-16-24

Today’s Good News 4-16-24

At least 19 feral cats roam the grounds of Mexico’s National Palace, where the president lives.  And Mexico just announced it’ll stay that way.  Palace staff worked with vets to vaccinate, sterilize and chip the cats, and build them cat homes and feeding stations around the garden. The cats will get to live out the…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-15-24

Today’s Good News 4-15-24

A personal trainer raised money for charity and broke two world records by doing lunges across New York City.  He broke the record for most lunges in an hour, 2,825 . . . and “farthest distance traveled by lunge in one hour,” 2.14 miles…………… A guy in Oklahoma was out camping recently and accidentally SHOT…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-12-24

Today’s Good News 4-12-24

For Autism Acceptance Month, a TV station in Philadelphia did a story on a dad who’s installing special street signs across the city.  They say “Autistic Person Area” and anyone can request one online.  He says he’s installed around 80 of them in two months, and he’s got over 300 more requests he’s working on…..…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-10-24

Today’s Good News 4-10-24

A 58-year-old grandmother in Canada broke a world record by doing a plank for over 4 hours and 30 minutes.  That’s the ab exercise where you’re on your toes and forearms.  If you’ve never done one, they’re easy . . . and also NOT easy……………….Speaking of world records:  Larry and Jessica McDonnell live in West…read more »

Rock News Randoms 4-10-24

Rock News Randoms 4-10-24

Rickey Medlocke says that we could see a new Lynyrd Skynyrd album at some point. Alice Cooper is reimagining some of his classics for a children’s album. “Solid Rock Revival” will be out on August 9.  (Full Story)   The guys in KISS have sold their name, logo, music catalog, and image and likeness rights to…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-9-24

Today’s Good News 4-9-24

Someone in Virginia Beach recently tipped their Lyft driver with cash, which is unusual these days.  They gave him $5, but he turned it into a lot more.  He stopped for gas, bought a $5 lottery ticket, and won 150 GRAND…………… An SUV got T-boned at an intersection in Daytona Beach recently and flipped on…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-8-24

Today’s Good News 4-8-24

An elementary school principal in Cary, North Carolina took matters into his own hands when a wild turkey wouldn’t stop harassing kids in the pick-up line.  There’s a photo of him using an umbrella to chase it off……….. A 105-year-old eclipse chaser is gearing up to see his 13th. His name is Laverne Biser.  His…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-5-24

Today’s Good News 4-5-24

Firefighters in New Jersey rescued a yellow lab that got her head stuck in the rim of a spare tire.  They lubed her fur up with dish soap and vegetable oil, but eventually had to use a plasma cutter to get her out………… A dog named “Hero” lived up to his name last week in…read more »

Today’s Good News 4-4-24

Today’s Good News 4-4-24

A helicopter crew saved a man who fell off a ledge in Northern California, and the footage is intense.  He was clinging to the side of a cliff, and the cop who rescued him had a camera running for the whole thing.  (Here’s the full video. )………..In related news:  Rescuers in Colorado saved two rock climbers,…read more »
