Category Archives: Cindy Miller

Today’s Good News 11-13-23

Today’s Good News 11-13-23

The USMC birthday/Veterans Day recap: A Marine in Tennessee used to tease his girlfriend that they could have their wedding catered by Waffle House one day.  So after they finally tied the knot last month, she surprised him by doing the reception there………………….A 77-year-old in Houston named George Philips dropped out of high school to…read more »

Rock News Randoms 11-13-23

Rock News Randoms 11-13-23

KISS will bring their End of the Road Tour to a close on December 2 at Madison Square Garden, and if you can’t be there in person, you can still enjoy the show. The concert will also be a livestream pay-per-view event for $14.99. Geddy Lee says he and Alex Lifeson would like to get…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-9-23

Today’s Good News 11-9-23

Walmart is making a big change to accommodate customers with autism, PTSD, and other sensory disorders.  Starting tomorrow, stores nationwide will have special “sensory-friendly” hours from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. each day. The TVs will show a static image instead of videos.  They’ll also leave the music off and lower the lights.  They tested…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-8-23

Today’s Good News 11-8-23

A guy’s dog found a rare lump of whale puke on a beach in Scotland, and it could turn into a huge payday for him.  Whale vomit has stuff in it that’s used in high-end perfumes.  The chunk his dog found could be worth thousands of dollars………………….. 43-year-old FL woman Kelly Avery paid tribute online…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-7-23

Today’s Good News 11-7-23

A grandma in Arizona is gearing up for her eighth Thanksgiving in a row with a random guy she accidentally invited to dinner as a teen back in 2016.  Now you could have dinner with them too. The grandma’s name is Wanda Dench.  She’s doing a thing with Airbnb, where up to two guests will…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-6-23

Today’s Good News 11-6-23

A couple from Pittsburgh recently flew home from Las Vegas, with a layover in Minnesota.  After they arrived, they realized a diamond in the woman’s ring fell out, and they didn’t know where.  It could have happened at any of the three airports, or on one of their flights.  And her 99-year-old grandma gave her…read more »

Rock News Randoms 11-6-23

Rock News Randoms 11-6-23

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction went down on Friday nighty. Highlights included Sheryl Crow performing with Olivia Rodrigo, Stevie Nicks, and Peter Frampton. Tom Morello was the only member of Rage Against the Machine to attend, and he used his stage time to encourage people to speak up, saying “The lesson I…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-3-23

Today’s Good News 11-3-23

Cops in Oklahoma posted a great video of an officer pulling over a two-year-old girl on a Power Wheel.  She was brushing her teeth behind the wheel.  So technically, that’s distracted driving.  They said she talked her way out of a ticket though.  They ended up letting her off with a warning.……………. A Kentucky woman…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-2-23

Today’s Good News 11-2-23

Two animals with fun names are in the news . . .A big-eared bat named “William ShakespEAR” won a Bat Beauty Contest in Oregon.  (???)  And a runaway pig that was missing in Pennsylvania for 17 days is now back home, safe and sound.  His name is “Kevin Bacon.” The real Kevin Bacon may have…read more »

Today’s Good News 11-1-23

Today’s Good News 11-1-23

Three animal rescue stories are in the news:  NC cops near Grandfather Mountain rescued three bears that got stuck in someone’s minivan.  Firefighters in Michigan saved a raccoon that was wedged in a rusty hole at the bottom of a dumpster.  And a group in Florida saved a sea turtle they found snagged in a…read more »
