Category Archives: Rhyan

The 6th Annual Craven Works Outdoor Job Fair Is On!

The 6th Annual Craven Works Outdoor Job Fair Is On!

The 6th Annual Craven Works Job Fair happens on Tuesday 3/30, so we checked in with Reeshema Walker, NCWorks Career Center Manager to see how it’s all going down Believe it or not, it’s becoming somewhat of an employee’s market again, as much of the hospitality industry has to staff the workers they shed now that…read more »

Finding Food Truck Fun In Jacksonville!

Finding Food Truck Fun In Jacksonville!

Have you ever been just tooling around and see people lined up to get their hands on something from a random food truck and can’t resist checking out what’s drawing a crowd? It was a cool, overcast day in Jacksonville Sunday 3/21 and for some reason a crowd had formed in a parking lot off…read more »

WSFL Checks Out The Walter L. Stasavich Science and Nature Center at Greenville’s River Park North

WSFL Checks Out The Walter L. Stasavich Science and Nature Center at Greenville’s River Park North

If you know your ECU history, you know about “Coach Stas,” football coach Clarence Stasavich. He’s the man credited with bringing big time college football to Greenville. His youngest son Walter subsequently grew up in Pitt County and later was Greenville’s director of parks and recreation, developing River Park North. Today that property is home to, among many other things, The…read more »

January is National Blood Donor Month – Here’s How to Help

January is National Blood Donor Month – Here’s How to Help

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a serious blood shortage across our area and the rest of the US. That means blood donation is crucial now more than ever. WSFL stopped by the Havelock Moose Family Center on Friday, January 8th where a blood drive was taking place and took a look at what…read more »

WSFL Checks Out The Aurora Fossil Museum… Ya Dig?

WSFL Checks Out The Aurora Fossil Museum… Ya Dig?

People travel from far and wide to enjoy one of ENC’s most unique attractions and activities… the Aurora Fossil Museum! While the museum is currently closed for renovation, it’s history takes us back millions of years when the ocean covered the area of what is now part of the coastal plain. During our visit, the folks…read more »
